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Church Events

Church Events: Event

January 24th-25th

Youth Winter Retreat

The Winter retreat is going to be on January 24th-26th in Midland, Texas. The cost is $85 per student. Please let Ryan know if you are coming by the 16th or if you have any questions!

January 25th

Ladies Fellowship

This month's ladies fellowship will be on January 25th, we will be having lunch in the fellowship hall at noon. We will be discussing and planning the ladies' events for the year. We hope to see you there!

January 26th

Church business meeting 

Join us on January 26th at 6 PM for our business meeting to discuss the course for the next year!

Life Group

We have clothes for all ages and all sizes. If you are in need or know someone in need, contact us to set an appointment.

At Temple Baptist Church, we don't think you should do life alone. We have four different Life Groups on Mondays and Wednesdays for you to be a part of. For more information, please contact the church office.

community clothes closet

Church Events: Service
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